9 comments on “Mono audio output from linux with PulseAudio

  1. “It doesn’t sound 100% as good as listening to the stereo music via both headphones, but it’s pretty good.”

    If you put louder the original output volume, and then you switch to the remapped interface, it will sound better! ;)

  2. Moreover, adding line
    “load-module module-remap-sink sink_name=mono master=alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo channels=2 channel_map=mono,mono” in the file /etc/pulse/default.pa , it’s possible to add permanently the remapped interface (to make it available even after reboot).

    • How do you enter /etc/pulse/default.pa and then enter the rest of the commands. I have tried and he says he does not recognize it.

      • You may have to create that `/etc/pulse/default.pa` file and add the contents from Adriano’s post into the new file. You will probably need to use `sudo` or otherwise obtain root privilege to write to files under `/etc/`.

    • Hi Mahdi, thanks for the comment.
      1. I don’t know if there is a graphical tool for configuring this type of audio configuration. I certainly wish there was a graphical way to do that!
      2. There may be a way to configure the filter options such that the output is only in one side, but I do now know very much about the filter options. Good luck!


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