Matthew Beckler's Home Page
Past Coursework
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Carnegie Mellon University 2008-2009
- Machine Learning 10-701 Spring 2009
The semester project was called "NBA Oracle", where we used machine learning techniques to predict the outcome of NBA basketball games, as well as provide support for coaching and personel decisions.
- Advanced Computer Architecture 18-741 Spring 2009
This semester project was to investigate automatic program phase detection in an asymmetric multi-core processor.
University of Minnesota 2007-2008
- Robotics
- Computer Vision:
- Senior Honors Project - Accelerometer-based Inertial Navigation
University of Minnesota 2006-2007
- Junior Electronics Lab I: EE3101
- Program Design and Development: CSCI3081W
- Junior Electronics Lab II: EE3102
University of Minnesota 2005-2006
- History of Science 3332:
- Introduction to Microcontrollers:
- Circuits Lab 1: EE2002
- Plant Propogation:
University of Minnesota 2004-2005
Copyright © 2004 - 2025, Matthew L. Beckler, CC BY-SA 3.0
Last modified: 2009-07-23 11:53:12 AM (EDT)